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At Gretton, we aim to deliver an engaging and inspiring music curriculum which instils a love of music in all our children and thereby developing their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. The children gain an understanding of music through performing, listening to, reviewing and evaluating music from a diverse range of genres, traditions and historical periods. We intend that, as well as developing an appreciation of music, the children also see themselves as musicians and enjoy performing together through singing, composing and learning to play instruments.


At Gretton our music lessons are based on The Charanga Musical School Scheme which supports all the requirements of the national curriculum and is an integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical learning. The interrelated dimensions of music weave through the units to encourage the development of musical skills as the learning progresses through listening and appraising, interrelated dimensions of music, singing, playing instruments, improvisation, composition, performing and sharing. This approach ensures the children get a rich learning experience covering all aspects of music.

The curriculum is delivered by class teachers using a clearly planned and rich syllabus during weekly lessons across all year groups. Links with other areas of the curriculum are embraced to provide a more meaningful learning experience. Children are given opportunities throughout the year to perform and display their musical skills. They are provided with opportunities within class and through peripatetic teachers to learn a tuned instrument. Weekly singing practise enables all pupils to develop their aural and performing skills as well as during Christmas and summer performances. Clubs such as choir and samba enhance the curriculum and provide further opportunities to perform as an ensemble.


Children at Gretton will become inquisitive, reflective learners who are enthusiastic about music and performing arts. They will be able to share their musical knowledge and demonstrate their musical skills. Music can bring communities together through the shared endeavour of whole-school singing, ensemble playing, experimenting with the creative process and, through the love of listening to friends and fellow pupils, performing. Children learn musically, both independently and as part of a group, ensuring skills of resilience and teamwork are promoted in this subject. Children are enthused and engaged in a wide variety of music activities. Children are excited and inspired to participate in Christmas, end-of year performances and in extracurricular clubs. Opportunities to perform outside of school and within our local environment ensure our children understand the significance and place of music within the wider world.